
Green Cell Foam provides the most flexibility and convenience in disposal options of ANY packaging material - going far beyond just recycling.

Full circle lifecycle

Green Cell Foam provides the most flexibility and convenience in disposal options of ANY packaging material - going far beyond just recycling. Do you have a different way you dispose of Green Cell Foam? If so, we’d love to see it!


Cut the film on Green Cell Plus

Cut open the Green Cell Plus (GC+) and pull out the foam panels. Recycle the film. Once the foam and film are separated, you’re able to dispose of GCF as you choose!

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Green Cell Foam is BPI-certified compostable in any commercial compost facility. Our bio-based packaging foam will decompose in 12 weeks or less.

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Dissolve in water

Green Cell Foam dissolves in water— put small pieces in the sink and watch it "melt" safely down the drain; it even decomposes in seawater and freshwater!

See Green Cell Foam completely disintegrate in under 60 seconds


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